Harvey the Water Hazard

As if to add insult to injury, Southwest Louisiana is bracing for Harvey 2.0. If that monster decodes to turn back into the gulf, he'll be heading towards us. It has already been the most rainy summer to-date, and we need no reminder of the 2005 storm season--Katrina on August 29th, and Rita on September 24th-- both were a Category 3+. In 2008, we had two close calls, Gustav & Ike, who nailed Southeast Texas.


I wish our neighbors to the west the very best, because I know the hectic times these can be, unknowing of what lies ahead. Just like the Solar Eclipse this year united us for a brief,  but unforgettable day, so can threats like Harvey.

Still haven't the courage to join Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & the score of social media sites humanity throws in the face of an introvert.
